Results 21 r jntuh december 2014 last jntu hyderabad b. Tech study materials download vtu, anna university text books semester wise jntu books these study materials are for jntuh, jntuk and jntua students and we will provide the remaining subjects very soon. Free download ebook, handbook, textbook, user guide pdf files on the internet quickly and easily. Tech 12 result 2020 regularsupplementary are available on this page.
The official link to check jntuk 12 r, r10 results 2015 is. Tech 22 sem r, r10, r07 regularsupple results april 2017 are announced by jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada. The officials of the jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada had conducted the b. Tech 2nd year 1st sem regular and supply results 2018 below. Jntuh, jntu a, jntuk ebooks,lecture notes,study materials. Jntuk 1 1 results jntuk 4 2 result 2020 r can be acquired easily by following the details of this page. Still, if you have any other queries, feel free to leave your comment below. The jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada also called as jntuk to release the final year 2nd semester which is also referred as 42 examination results for b.
Tech 32 sem r regular exams and r10, r07 supplementary exams in the month of april 2017. The exams were conducted in the month of november 2018. Results 2 1 r jntuh december 2014 last jntu hyderabad b. Job hunters who have been a part of the written exam should check their marks status through.
Jntuk jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada has announced the results for the b. Get jntu kakinada all semester ebooks, ppts,question papers,text books here. On this page, we have tabulated semester wise jntu study materials and lecture notes for civil engineering, mechanical engineering. Details for jntuk b tech 11 r, r10 regularsupply results 2015 live here. Tech 2 2 sem r r10r07 supply exam results dec 2019. All the students who are eagerly waiting for the jntu anantapur 21 r15r. Tech 31 sem syllabus for r regulation are available now. Jntu kakinada university was conducted in jntuk 31 supplementary exams from 10062015 to 22062015. Jawaharlal nehru university kakinada jntuk is going to announce b. Jntua 21 sem r15, r, r09 regularsupply results 2019 b. Latest jntuk time tables jntu kakinada exam schedule. Here we provided all jntuk 1 year 1 semester r syllabus copies pdf, jntuk 1 year 2 semester r syllabus copies pdf, jntuk 2 y.
Tech i semester r07,r05, r10, r supply examinations jan2015 1 in the filed of externals indicates student absent for the respective subject. So students go through the below links and check out jntuk b. Jntu world get results updates of jntu hyderabad, jntu kakinada, jntu anatapur. Tech 2 2 sem examination in the month of april 2018. Last date for recountingrevaluationchallenge by revaluation. Our aim is to provide the latest education related news as fast as possible to the students for free of cost. I welcome people to use free e book that discusses about how four. And then candidates who are getting struggled to find out their jntuk 4 2 b. Jawaharlal nehru technological university had conducted the b. Dont forget to download cprogramming lab notes because it is very important for first year students. The current ppm of our state is close to 120 which is a very good improvement in the testing capacity compared to 69 ppm a few days ago. Tech 42 semester results for the r, r10, r07 regular and supplementary exams declared at official portal jntukresults students can fetch 42 sem result with subject wise.
Manabadi provides you academic end results, entrance exams results, university results, board results of andhrapradesh, india. Jntu kakinada have conducted 22 semester of both regular and supple examinations in the month of april 2017. Tech 21 r16, r, r10 regularsupplementary in the month of octnov 2019. Tech 2 2 syllabus for r16, r, r10 regulation is given below. Tech 2nd year 2nd sem r regsup may 2015 exam results. Here the syllabus for various branches is tabulated so the students can download their syllabus by branch wise. If you have any queries suggestions doubts complaints, feel free to comment below. Tech 31 supplementary results to be released soon for r10, r07, r05 regulations. Every student performed well in the exams to get good marks, so that it. Jntu kakinada conducted the university examinations for jntuk b. Tech 12 regularsupplementary examination was conducted in aprilmay 2020 the examination and results of jntuk b. Tech ii year ii semester r, r10, r07 regulation supply results which have been conducted in the month of december 2016.
Here we are providing the link to see your results for jntuk b. So students can check their results from the below post provided by injntu. Khanna was the principal of the college where prem had been working as lecturer. Mar 06, 2020 jntua 21 sem r15, r, r09, r07 results 2019 b. Tech semester exams 2 1 and all students are now awaiting the results of the examination jntuh 2 1. Jawaharlal nehru technological university is a one of the prestigious universities in andhra pradesh and also known as jntu, kakinada or. If you find that any link is not working properly you can write about it to us and we will rectify the problems instantly. Tech 2 1 r16, r, r10 regularsupplementary in the month of octnov 2019. Tech 12 regular supplementary examination results 2019 has been released by the jntuk university is conducted exams on may 2019. Tech ii semester examination results which is held in the month of may 2016. Tech 12 result for regularsupplementary r16, r, r10 regulation are conducted and announced by the jntu kakinada university students who are. Tech 1 2 result for regularsupplementary r16, r, r10 regulation are conducted and announced by the jntu kakinada university. Tech semester regular supply exam results aprilmay. Jul 17, 2017 the official link to check jntuk 1 2 r, r10 results 2015 is.
Tech r results jntu kakinada regularsupply result 2016. Tech r16 21, 31, 41 sem exam time table octnov 2019 jntuk results for r btech 42 students jntuk b. Tech r16, r regularsupply exams octnov 2019 fast updates on this page, you will be getting all details, updates, and news related to jntuk 2 1 results of r16, r, r10. Tech 41 sem r16, r important questions download the dedicated engineering. Jntuk jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada conducted the b. Pharmacy r, r09 regular and supple exam results was released on 02nd june 2017 last year.
We will keep you update the announcement of jntuk b. Tech 4 1 results 2020 or check jntu kakinada februarymarch r16, r, r10 regular supply results at jntuk jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada is going to declare jntuk results 2020 for bachelor of technology course for r16, r, r10 regular supplementary examination. Tech 2 1 result is announced on 2nd jan 2020 and the last date to apply recounting and revaluation and challenge valuation those results are updated on below. Boards universities entrance exams recruitments independent. Tech 2nd year 2nd sem r regsup may 2015 exam results tags. Tech 2 1 semester r16, r, r10 examinations octnov 2018 are declared at jntukresults students can check their jntuk b. Tech 1 2 results 2015 jntuk r,r10 regular supply july result posted on october 29, 2015 by atul gupta. Tech second semester regularsupplementary exam time table for all years. Pharmacy 12 semester r16, r, r10 regular supplementary examinations results may 2017 released. Tech 22 sem r, r10, r07 supply results dec 2020 declared. Vitap bba bachelor of business administration appsc group 2 online.
Tech r16 2 1, 3 1, 4 1 sem exam time table octnov 2019 jntuk results for r btech 4 2 students jntuk b. Tech 1 2 regularsupplementary examination was conducted in aprilmay 2020 the examination and results of jntuk b. Students appeared in the jntu btech 11 exam are waiting for their jntuk btech 11 rr10 result 2015. Pharmacy r16, r regular supply examinations in october november 2019.
Tech 1st year 1st semester r19 regulation regular examination as conduted on jan 2020 and waiting for jntuk b. Tech 3 1 supplementary results to be released soon for r10, r07, r05 regulations. Jntua which is also called as or the abbreviation of jawaharlal nehru technological university, anantapur is a state university in anantapur saradha nagar, anantapur, andhra pradesh 515002. Khanna was the principal of the college where prem had been working as. Pharmacy 12 semester r16, r, r10 regular supplementary examinations results may 2017. Pharmacy 22 semester r syllabus books for all branches for academic year 2016 2017. Pharm 42 r, r09 regularsupply exam results may 2018. Tech 1 2 result 2020 regularsupplementary are available on this page. Tech 3 1 sem syllabus for r regulation are available now. Feel free to get in touch with us regarding anything. Tech semester exams 21 and all students are now awaiting the results of the examination jntuh 21. Tech 22 syllabus for r16, r, r10 regulation is given below. If you check the syllabus you will know the topics that will be covered in the semester exam. Jntu kakinada not yet conducted but it is going to conduct b.
Jntuk btechbpharm 22 sem r syllabus books for ay 201617. From large days students eagerly waiting for the declaration of the results. Stay tuned to this blog for more interesting stuff. Tech english 1st year short answer questions jntuh r raja rao pagidipalli, assoc. Jntu kakinada university was conducted in jntuk 3 1 supplementary exams from 10062015 to 22062015. Most probably the correction is completed within a month or 45 days, there is no official news right now regarding the information on results but anyhow jntuh b. Tech 22 sem r,r10,r07 regular supple results april. Tech like ece, eee, cse, it, civil and mechanical in jntu kakinada university. Tech 11 r, r10 regularsupply results dec 2015 buy moto g 4 plus 10% off at amazon moto g 4 plus at,499 now actual price is 14,999 hurry up. Tech 22 sem examination in the month of april 2018. Now as the results are out officially, the candidates can. Phamracy students,which it consist of free books to all streams jntu h,jntu k and jntu a.
As per the latest newsupdate, many students will be awaiting their jntuk b. Tech 12 results 2015 jntuk r,r10 regular supply july result posted on october 29, 2015 by atul gupta. Tech result, they simply follow up the belowgiven procedure steps and then in a clear manner, they can get the jntuk 4 2 mark sheet regular supply exams. Pharmacy 2 2 semester r syllabus books for all branches for academic year 2016 2017. Jawaharlal nehru technological university is a one of the prestigious universities in andhra pradesh and also known as jntu, kakinada or jntuk. Pharmacy 12 semester r16, r, r10 regular supplementary examinations results for the examinations conducted in the month of may. Tech 41 syllabus book for all branches such as it, cse, eee.
Jntuk btech 11 result 2015 btech 11 r r10 supply result. Jntuh jawaharlal nehru technological university this time the exam schedule for the pattern for examinations has been changed as in previous times the students were given the choice to leave 3 units out of 8 but now jntuh has removed that system, the university is conducting the end semester exams two times a. In smartzworld,here you can find all the jntuk syllabus books of 2nd year 2 1 semester students belongs to different branch of b. Tech 1 1 sem r19 r r16r10 regular and supply examination results 2020. Tech ii semester r10,r07,r05 supply examinations jan2015 1 in the filed of externals indicates student absent for the respective subject. Tech 21 semester r16, r, r10 examinations octnov 2018 are declared at jntukresults students can check their jntuk b. Check your j ntuk 21 rr10 results 2014 from below popular websites like manabadi, schools9, jntuk fast updates, first on net, e.
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